People often spend a great deal of time trying to figure out what to pack for a cruise. The internet is filled with countless versions of cruise packing suggestions and checklists. (If you’re looking for one of those, check out ours!). But one important thing to be aware of is that just because something is legal doesn’t mean you can tuck it in your cruise bag.
The Rules Aren’t Always Obvious
Before you start packing your bags, you must familiarize yourself with the not-so-obvious items you can’t bring on board. While we all know about the restrictions on weapons and illegal drugs, several surprisingly banned items could easily slip into your suitcase without a second thought.

Understanding these rules can save you from unexpected hassles and ensure your cruising experience is smooth and enjoyable.
The consequences of trying to bring the wrong item on board can vary widely. Sometimes, it means the item is confiscated and returned to you at the end of the cruise.
For instance, if you are in port and return to the ship with souvenir candles, security will quickly embargo them.
Sometimes, the consequences can be more severe. You may be denied boarding altogether or potentially arrested.
Something that seems simple, like packing a decorative flag, a camouflage t-shirt, or a large electric scooter, could complicate your boarding process or even lead to fines.
While souvenirs are a fantastic way to remember your travels, bringing back certain items, like seashells from specific destinations, could breach local conservation laws.
Don’t Let This Happen To You!
To learn more about some of these no-nos that have recently tripped up some cruise passengers, check out this detailed video from Ilana Schattauer at Life Well Cruised. She sheds light on these unique cruise ship policies and includes some eye-opening stories about the real-world consequences of seemingly minor oversights.
Watch below to ensure your cruise goes off without a hitch and keeps you out of trouble!
Closing Thoughts
As you prepare for your cruise adventure, taking note of these unexpected banned items is just as important as packing your essentials. Remember, every cruise line has its own set of rules, which can change based on the itinerary and destinations.
Always double-check with your cruise provider for the most up-to-date information to avoid any last-minute surprises at the gangway. Enjoy your cruise with the peace of mind of being well-prepared and fully informed. Bon voyage!